Monday, February 15, 2010

love note #6: a message to our hands and feet

happy monday loveday. i spent this valentine's day with a smattering of some of the most significant people in my life. they are my solid ground. i don't have a story about two people today, but some musings on love in action inspired by my circle.

i have a number of people in my life that struggle with body issues and love issues. it is hard in our busy lives to feel grounded and full. in the wake of many discussions about flaws and worries, i started thinking about things that i love about my friends and who they are in the world. i started thinking about what their hands, feet, and hearts do everyday.

i love that i have people in my life that use their hands to serve other people, whether it be through advocacy, medicine, music making, teaching, cooking, or providing wild gestures of humor...

i so appreciate that i have friends that use their feet to walk in this world in a way that is mindful about environmental justice. i appreciate that their feet take them into all sorts of new experiences that they then share with me. i'm constantly being transported around our country and world through their stories...

i value that my people have good hearts and that they express their ideas and ideals in a variety of fascinating ways...

photocredit: {saraheinrich}

1 comment:

  1. i like this idea of thinking about hands, feet, and heart. it's such a better way of measuring fulfillment and beauty.


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